We aim to accomplish worldwide prosperity

Glocal Prosperity Concept

Glocal Prosperity Concept is the core activity of the Glocal Prosperity Community Foundation. The Glocal Prosperity principles, Sustainability, Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship come together in GPC programmes and projects to accomplish worldwide prosperity. Knowledge and Innovation sharing based on (cultural) respect, sustainability and social as well as mental self-reliance, are the key concepts of Glocal Prosperity Concept.

Decades of excessive donations and development aid have managed not eradicated poverty. On the contrary, it has made entire nations socially and mentally dependent. It has deprived people of their creative spirit and coerced them to adopt a submissive attitude. In our Glocal Prosperity programmes and projects, local partners are in the driver's seat and are given access to knowledge, network possibilities and experience they have been deprived for far too long. Through these programmes people are empowered to redirect their future (welfare) and/or set up their own (social) businesses. That way prosperity is catalysed at a grassroots level with expertise and the creative minds of the glocal partners.

In other words, local partners are given the necessary tools and support to take their future into their own hands. The Glocal Prosperity Concept is also a natural reaction for the purpose of restoring the balance between People, Planet, (fair trade) Profit and Pleasure, which will lead to Prosperity for all in the end. The result is a liveable and/or better world for every citizen on this planet we share.